Wednesday, January 8, 2014

On my free time I'm always scrolling through pinterest for ideas to decorate my house. We just moved in a bit ago and our walls are all blank. Doesn't make it very homey. :/ Well I came upon many cool ideas using paper towel rolls and now saved quite a bit. Due to the holidays I haven't been able to accomplish one but here are some ideas. 

The picture above is basically the concept used. You simple cut one inch bands out of the rolls and place as you wish. A hot glue gun is suppose to be the best method for getting the bands to stick nicely and neatly together. Once the glue has dried just spray paint the color of your choice and tada. Once I have accomplished mine I'll post a picture. If anyone tries it out free feel to post a picture in the comment box I would love to see them. (: 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Motherhood was something that came to me unexpectedly and unplanned. For me I just knew I was pregnant right from the beginning. I guess time for a short story..

I was 20 working a part-time job and on a break from college after receiving my Associate's Degree. So my free time consisted of a lot of sleeping and partying. I was a moderate cigarette smoker at the time too. Shortly after Thanksgiving I noticed how unsettling a cigarette was for me to the point where I couldn't even smoke one and I just knew. One day after work I drove to the nearest Walgreen's and bought a pregnancy test, which by the way isn't so simple, there are so many and had never needed one before I was at a loss. I waited till the next morning to take it. I took the first one and within seconds it turned positive so I quickly took the second one just to make sure and sure enough it was positive. I took a picture of the test with my phone and sent it to my boyfriend. Within second I received a phone call from him asking me what was that. Thinking back to that moment now it was pretty funny. I told him I was pregnant and we kinda both just stayed silent for a minute and he assured me it would be alright. Not gonna lie I cried after that for a good bit but I began to fall in love with her from that moment. Turns out I was only only 3 weeks at the moment.
Today I am 22 and Isabella is a year and 5 months. We now live in our own little place with her daddy and our newest member Toby, a 4 month old Doberman and it has been quite the ride. I want to use this blog to post random posts of my experiences and I'm nut for diy arts and crafts. So I guess my blog might be a bit of everything that inspires me because honestly it'll be much easier for me to have everything in one place than a bunch of bookmarks. 

-Until Then

 PS. Meet my lil family (: